Angie Smartt is a writer based in the Pacific northwest

Power, Humility, and Clarity

Power, Humility, and Clarity

June 26, 2012

I have a bit of a super-power. I can see where the truth lies. I can sense when I should not follow the advice of the wisest sages. I have good instincts of who to trust and who not to. I can see people's fragility. Yet, I have spent most of my life doing my best to look away from this wisdom, to not act on it, to not even fully embrace this wonderful part of me. I have spent time telling myself that by denying this part of me I am becoming humble. Who am I to think I am right or to tell someone my opinion when I know it will challenge them or upset the boat? I have missed out on a lot with this behavior.

Buttercup and Slow River

Buttercup and Slow River

