Can We Gain Happiness From Simple Acts?
Dogen Zenji, born in the year 1200, was a Japanese Buddhist priest, poet, writer, and philosopher. He was the founder of the Soto school of Zen in Japan. Eihei-Ji is the temple he founded and where his ashes remain. It now serves as a training monastery for 200 monks and nuns. I have visited many times and find myself returning in my mind, even from far away, to the lessons of the Dogen.
Arranging our shoes neatly, we bring harmony to our minds, when our minds are harmonious, we arrange shoes neatly. If we arrange shoes neatly when we take them off, our minds won’t be disturbed when we put them on. If someone leaves shoes in disarray, let us silently set them to order. Such an act surely will bring harmony to the minds of people around the world.
Before we talk about this we must make a note about shoes and Japan. Shoes are not worn inside. When you enter a building you slip your shoes off. If there is not a small cupboard to put them in, etiquette is that you place them together, neatly, and facing the door. Of course, many people do not do this which can cause a bit of chaos and confusion when it comes to finding them when it is time to put them back on.
This teaching is about order and harmony, and ultimately, happiness. By straightening our shoes, we are also straightening our minds. Our actions bring harmony to our minds and our harmonious minds then influence our actions. All of this brings us well-being and happiness. It is a balance. A loop. Makes sense, right? But wait!
If we can silently set someone’s shoes in order, then this will bring them harmony as well. Our thoughts and actions do not exist purely for our own experience, but also for the benefit of others.
During the lockdown, my next-door neighbor decided that daily walks (10,000 steps!) were good for her mind and body. And she invited me on many of these walks. Slowly I began to notice that these walks were also good for my body and mind. She got her shoes arranged neatly and then she silently arranged mine. And it brought harmony to me. Walking actually clears my head and leaves me happier. Magic.
I keep thinking about how we bring ourselves into balance and how our silent acts influence others. I would love to know if you see yourself in this lesson and how you have seen this kind of thing working in your life. If you feel inclined, please share!