Angie Smartt is a writer based in the Pacific northwest

Making Peace With My Mountaintop

Making Peace With My Mountaintop

Sometimes I forget
this mountain I’ve climbed
that I stand on top
and live on this peak now

This crest is a place of power
from here I can see it all
the air is fresh
my body and being are in harmony

I have worked hard to make this summit
climbing, slipping, falling, crying
At times I was disoriented
even lost

But I made it
And the land below me
is my journey
treacherous and beautiful

This mountain is made up of
failures and fears
abuse, addiction, poor choices, heartache
taking a chance and finally growing up

It took me years to reach this summit
some helped me
others did all they could to block my path
mostly I relied on my own tenacity

When the weather arises
I become snowblind
my mind wants to believe
I am really somewhere below, struggling

But I am at the top
The difficult ascent has given me
wisdom and strength
My peace up here is complete

I must always remember where I am
and begin each day from this place
There may yet be even higher places to go
I hope so

For What It’s Worth

For What It’s Worth

Can We Gain Happiness From Simple Acts?

Can We Gain Happiness From Simple Acts?