All in snippets


Petulant, querulous, irascible, cantankerous, fractious, churlish, splenic, choleric, snarky, mumpish, crotchety. 

If these are such unsavory ways of being, then why are they so dang fun to say?


Good with kids, atrocious with plants
Bad at faces, terrible with names
Tolerable at reading, horendous at speling
Adept at games, inept at sports
Shy but personable
Resilient but sensitive
Creative and pedestrian
Problem solver and trouble maker
Jack of all trades and master of nothing


When you wake up in a cold house, you put your feet on the cold floor ready to work. A fire must be kindled. If you are lucky there are stout embers waiting, and the wood is dry. If you are very lucky your heater will be ignited with a flip of the switch. If there are others in the house they will wait for the heat to begin to circulate before they begin their ascent into the day. They are the luckiest of us all.