How I Would Like to Venture Out
How I would like to venture out
into the moonlight,
traipse across the cold, wet, snow
with no destination in mind
other than awe
Christmas has begun its gallop,
I am pulled into the frenzy
of shopping and wrapping
and feeling so gripped
Oh how long for that cold walk
Here it has rained so much
the ground is full like a saturated sponge
I’m gonna clear my calendar
and just drive north
till those drops turn to flakes
The season is busy
life has the audacity to go on
despite all the holiday chores
and expectations
How I long for no destination in mind
The holiday approaches
and so many things fly away from me
my money, my time, my energy
my bliss
my wonder
How I would like to venture out
into the moonlight,
traipse across the cold, wet, snow
with no destination in mind
other than awe