Angie Smartt is a writer based in the Pacific northwest

Of Pipe Dreams and Shoulders

Of Pipe Dreams and Shoulders

She told me the worst news

After all I’ve learned
and all I’ve heard
and all I’ve lived
I had no idea what to say
what to do

I’m older
and said to be wiser
but in the face of her pain
and in answer to her questions
I had nothing

I only ever wanted to shield
to guide
to nourish
but those were only ever
pipe dreams

I want my role as her elder
to be active
a job
with satisfying tasks
and clear outcomes

But today
I was just a soft place
to land
a quiet shoulder
to lean on

I know
I know you
I am a piece of you
and we are still here
and we will continue

I love you

5 Ways to Handle Life’s Sucker Punches

5 Ways to Handle Life’s Sucker Punches

5 New Ideas That Have Eased My Pain

5 New Ideas That Have Eased My Pain