Moon Moon pizza pie
arc a trail across the sky
All in poems
As I lie aching in my bed
Popping pills to relieve my head
Those throbs I seek to quell
First chill, then sweat, then blankets off
Kept awake by a nagging cough
Hoping I’ll soon be well.
Little dreamer, next to me
shaded by the apple tree
not a sound do you make
I’ll be here when you wake
Little dreamer, next to me
shaded by the apple tree
Your birth was a promise
from me to you
that I would always have your back
no matter what
The floor disappears beneath me
my cheeks flashing red like a stoplight
my hands at once wet and cold
where can I disappear to?
sneakers pound
three giggles
Down by the seashore
down by the sea
Johnny broke a bottle
and blamed it on me
Had I known it was the last time
I would have stopped to take in the moment
I would have leaned in and looked closely
Listened and touched and smelled and breathed it all in
I would have bottled it up into a sacred space inside me
a space I could return to
Wise sage speak your truth
but we will despise you for it
Stand up for what is right
and we will whisper about you in the shadows
Who else
would I rather drag a Uhaul with,
full of a 1000 piece Ikea jigsaw couch,
up the highway?
It helps when I know we agree
hell, it helps to know when we just disagree
It helps when communication is clear
and sometimes it helps to just know less
I dream of running away to a place of quiet, of freedom, my own harbor. I have always been an escaper.
I woke up today to the same crazy world.
The hum of dread was there
but dim and nearly mutable.
Filling up a needy person’s cup is exhausting.
It is more of a job than one person can manage.
It takes a team.
The old pain
long gone but remembered in pixelated detail by this body
synapses fired
messages sent
distress from the root to all its arterial legions
awoken and fighting in moments.
This time of day is no-man’s-land.
Not the morning
nor the evening
Not the high noon
nor the afternoon
Today I went to the restaurant that used to be a tchotchke shop.
I wore my t-shirt with the logo of the donut shop that used to be down the street.
I wore the necklace that my mother doesn’t remember giving me.
I went home on a one-way street that used to be a two way