Emotions are on overload
bubbling and churning violently beneath the surface
all fall into fail-safe mode
Some make jokes
some get busy
some get tired
some leave
All in poems
Emotions are on overload
bubbling and churning violently beneath the surface
all fall into fail-safe mode
Some make jokes
some get busy
some get tired
some leave
Swallowed up by longing
To hear that voice again
To know
Those hands
That laugh
That terrible driving
The wind was not great
But it got me out here
To the middle of this ocean
This wide expanse
This lonely forever
Vigorously verdant
Plenteous and viridescent
Proliferous and fecund
Burgeoning and flourishing
Feracious, generative, breedy
Gravid, loamy, and profuse
The beat of the drum
Carries across the parking lot
The rhythm lures me closer
The song resonates in my bones
Its tempo keeps time with my heart
She becomes the tide
Ebbing and flowing
Slow-moving ripples
That without warning
Give over to violent, crashing surf
It was at that moment
that the chasm opened up beneath me
You were already lost in it
I knew it and I didn’t know it
My constant companion
you are at your best
when you are quiet
when you keep to yourself
You are always in charge
Unless you don’t want to be.
But if something doesn’t go right
you will lead from the back,